Design Direction_24.11.14

The creation of an immersive temporal office environment system. A spatial system that will expand creating the home working environment during the working hours and will contract eliminating the space during the family time.


The cancellation of the working space is a clear physical manifestation of the end of the working day. It provides a cue not only to the worker but also to the other family members.

Apart from the critical position to overworking, creating an enclosed working environment permits to control better the conditions (e.g. temperature) inside this space during the working hours. It also creates a flexible and contractable system to separate living and working space for those who just work from a desk.


This projects, most probably, cannot be realised in a commercial scale, and it cannot entirely provide a solution. What it aims to do is to provide the framework for the worker to rearrange his working habits and at the same time to raise awareness on the subject

Also, it attempts to make people question the way that a spacial solution can change their life patterns.

design direction references




Smart materials that can perform by themselves the act of “expansion-contraction” according to the working hours of the person
